Corporate Connect 

Our Ethernet offering and solution provides customers with the ability to connect multiple sites to one another, via a flexible and resilient IP/MPLS backbone. Not only does this option give a business the ability to communicate across the world, it also allows for the secure sharing of confidential information across various business premises.

The entire service package is a great way to ensure communication between branches in a more cost effective and sustainable way, with line rates from a few megabits to several gigabits as well as the ability to burst above the committed rate with 95th percentile billing.

Key benefits

The Ethernet service provides flexible, low latency, point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connectivity between African and international interconnection points.

Ideal for

Whether it be carriers and operators, large businesses or small businesses that are growing fast, this solution is a cost effective way to ensure ultimate collaboration and unhindered communication.




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